Friday, February 27, 2009

My Random Randomness

I have a sports related injury. Playing Foozball. I just bruised my thumb but I feel very cool because this is my first ever sports related injury. No wait… Second. The first was when I broke my ankle playing basketball. Shivonne pushed me against the wall and I ahem ‘fell on my ankle’. We’re vicious when we play sports, which is why we don’t play. Well, that and because we tank at sports.

So Feb was not a good month for me, creatively at least. I wrote two of the worst poems ever written. Ever. Britney Spears ain’t got nothing on me.

I was tagged on Facebook (I like it coz it’s pretty. Don’t judge me! I’m shallow. Get over yourself already!) Yes, the tagging. So the point is that you have to write 25 absolutely random things about yourself. And send it to whomever. And the madness continues. It’s fun. And because my creativity is on a very long, unscheduled vacation, this is what I’m gonna write about.

So my dear readers, consider yourself tagged.

Facebook buddies! Fear not! This list is not the same as the list on Facebook. Well… not COMPLETELY. For one thing, I’m only writing 20. And some are totally new, because:

1. Yes, I am that self-absorbed.

So here’s my 20 randoms. Drum roll please.

1. I don’t know what kinda music I like. One day it’s jazz and the next day I’m drooling over Jimi Hendrix. All I know is that I hate polka.
2. I trip all over the place even when I’m barefoot. Actually, especially when I’m barefoot.
3. I have two signatures. One for bank stuff and one for when I become famous. They’re both hideous.
4. I write lists for everything. My excitement over anything is directly proportional to the number of lists I make for that ‘event’.
5. I have started going to the baby Sabbath school because – a. The kids are freakishly adorable. b. The Sabbath school teacher gives us treats. Woohoo!
6. I get very annoyed by T.V. shows like Family Guy and The Nanny. But I watch them anyway.
7. I wanna be a rockstar. My stage fright and the fact that I can’t play a single instrument are just minor trivialities.
8. I have two settings. Lazy and not. ‘Not’ is when I’m nice to people.
9. I want to throw Mika, Enrique Iglesias, James Blunt, and the Scissor Sisters into a bottomless, sound-proof pit.
10. My sisters are the most important people in my life.
11. I had a phase where I’d only wear men’s shirts, jeans and bandanas. I call it my Rosie O’Donnell years.
12. I don’t like wearing baseball caps because it makes me look like Wayne from Wayne’s world. No, I am not worthy.
13. When I was 5, Shivonne gave me a sandwich filled with actual sand. It turned me off bread and jam for years.
14. I hate Scooby Doo. I hate Scrappy Doo even more. I love the Powerpuff girls. Go figure.
15. I never judge a book by its cover. Just by its opening line.
16. I can never remember if I liked a particular song or not. So I ask Shivonne.
17. I think that bookstores are the most magical places on earth.
18. I love camping. In the living room. With tents made out of bed-linen.
19. I get annoyed really easy. But I rarely actually lose my temper.
20. I’m petrified of any kind of worm. So much that I’ve stopped watching Animal Planet.

Tada! Now you’re it. Happy 20/25 random-ing y’all!


A comeback-roopeshrn said...

Hehe a crazy nut u r:-)..liked most part of ur blog except for pushing enrique into abyss..wonder wats against far he is one of t best singers!!!

laddu said...

a sandwich filled with actual sand!!
cool yaar..i will definately use dis on someone..:P:P

Casey said...

Finally!!! The Woohoo kid is bk with a bang!!
Lowed your random list - funny and cute at the same time :)

Anonymous said...

nice post.... lemme know if u ever need a hand while fixing Enrique Iglesias and James Blunt.

Sheryll Sampson said...

Best singers?? Gasp! Maybe I should push you in as well!! =D
Why? Why? Why?
Ty. =D I do say Woohoo a lot, no?
Deal. I notice that the name 'Mika' is absent from your list. Hmmmm...

Zennmaster said...

well i can bet my bottom dollar that you are one of the geminian kind of people...

Anonymous said...

All hail the one who gave in to my sand-wiches. I rule :P

I like you too :D

Unknown said...

Excellent Writing Style. Enjoyed it.

Anonymous said...

Hey jus so ur wondering who Alison is one of the ppl from work who I sent the link to....

The Rebel said...

1. Trying to imagine freakishly adorable kids. ... Getting stuck at freakish..

2. Don't forget Himesh and our friend who can sing [I miss my phone] to the sub-list in 9.

3. I do an awesome Scooby Doo impersonation. You'll never get to hear it now.
My "Let's split up, gang!" needs work though.

4. Great post. One of your best yet.

Sambo said...

I LOVE this post

Anonymous said...

Great post! We are so alike when it comes to no.1, 1, 7, 15, and 20 :)