Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Good, The Bad, The Blah.

So yesterday, my dad threw an orange at me. In a totally playful, sporty, non-child abuse kinda way. Unfortunately, I 'flinched' instead of 'caught'. I've never seen my dad look so disappointed in me ever.
Disappointing mumsy and pops? Not my favorite thing. However there are things I do like. So I present to you,
'Sheryll's Sporadically Announced List of Thingums in No Particular Order of Preference'

The Good - Things I do like:

*Strawberry and Cream Alphenlibe lollipops.
You don't have to spell it right to enjoy it.

Not judge. Watch. OK.. sometimes judge.. but mostly watch. OK FINE! Always judge. Happy now?

*The smell of new Bata chappals.
I once bought a pair... not to wear. Just coz they smelled nice. True story.

*Watching small children crying on their way to the school bus in the morning.
HA ha. I like to point and laugh. Poor kiddos. What a life! Waking up at 6 in the morning to catch a bus to go to a place that demands so much dedication and effort. (The fact that I noticed all this from my cab that picks me up at 7:30 every morning to take me to work, only just occurred to me. Thanks a lot.)

*The feel of crisp, clean bedsheets.
Mmmm. Ain't nothing better than that.

*Curling up with a really good book.
Rainy day, comfy chair/bed, hot hot Kapi, and of course, the all-important awesome book. Nice. Haven't come across enough of those tho.. (the awesome books I mean) Recommendations would be welcome.

Sheryll like pretty shoes. One day the shoe-makers of the world will realise that not every one has size 3 feet and that day, Sheryll will... Well, first stop talkin in the third person.

*The scent of my elder sister's old clothes.
It always smells warm and comfy and clean. Three of my favourite things.

The Bad - Things I don't:

*Waking up early in the morning.
I will not be human till 10. Don't try to make any intelligent conversation with me till then. If you do, you will be rewarded with.. nothing. Just Don't Do It.

*Watching TV with the parents.
What is with TV nowadays?? I was watching Saturday Night Live the other night and my dad plopped on the couch for some father-daughter-TV-watching time. (Well, actually my dad wanted to steal the remote and change to some annoying sports channel. Clever person that I am, I sat on the remote instead. Lala.
Current State of Remote Control: It don't move no more.)
Anyways, so I was watching tv with the padre, when suddenly the folks on SNL decide to do a spoof on.. wait for it.. Basic Instinct. Guess which scene was the erm... focal point? I wanted to die.
The next day, I was watching Private Practice with my dad (Smart I know.). And Tada! The show was about a 13 year-old kid who has gonorrhea.
My curfew is now 4:30 in the afternoon. Hmph.

*Walking outside during/after it rains.
I dont care how 'romantic' people say it is. It's mucky, yucky, and gross. Wake me up when the monsoon ends.

Make them stop.

The Blah- Things that don't really bother me, but I can live without:

*My co-workers and a certain someone nick-named 'Stewie'.
So my friends at work have been teasing me with the afore-mentioned person... and they aren't subtle about it. Now this person actually thinks I like him, and has developed an attitude overnight. How do I tell this person, that the only reason we call him Stewie is coz he looks (unfortunately) like the evil, matricidal baby from Family Guy? And that the only reason they tease me with him, is because I said it first? How? How? Life is so difficult for us pretty folks. (Snort hehe.. must keep straight face. )

Enough said.