The radio gods are against me.
How else can I explain them playing the songs of BOTH UB40 AND Wham! in the same hour?
'Bands' like UB40, Wham!, the BeeGees, etc. are like the Crocs of music - flashy, easy and unbearably offensive to anyone with good taste.
If music be the food of love, please.. Make. Them. Stop.
But not like I have such a refined taste in music. A certain friend (you know who you are!) decided that my erm... predilection for bands such as Aerosmith and Def Leppard is my most feminine characteristic. (Oh I feel pretty now! Pfff) I am what i like to call, a music adulteress. I rarely stay faithful to any one genre of music for very long. I still remember my Spice Girls and Aqua phase. That phase is over.
I do enjoy really cheesy music tho. The kinda music u'd want to 'disco- dance' to. Given it's at the right time and place. Coz tat's me - Eclectic by nature, flaky by choice. (Joy.)
This post was supposed to be entitled 'McQuirky' and I was gonna write about my oh-so-quirky nature (Because you know, I amuse myself so... Watever.) But that is for another day (Amen? How dare u!)
1 comment:
I was forced to listen to Elevation by U2 wen I was on the road suffering from Gastroenteritis [this sounds better than popular term loose motion].... with a god damned billboard that read "Petrol Bunk 10 Kms away". I will never forgive the RJ for playing tht inappropriate and insensitive song.
In my case, Conspiracy would be a understatement. Nice post, I got nostalgic.
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