OK. Yes. I know. It's been two months since my last post. To all my fans (Yes, all two of you) I apologize. My beloved elder sister, in whom I am well pleased, came home for vacation with her son and husband. Therefore, I spent the month of May being pounced on/attacked by my 6 year old nephew. (Curse you Animal Planet and your documentaries about the Serengeti) Yes. During the month of May, I had a magical metamorphic transformation from 20 year old engineering student to African Water Buffalo. (Sigh... talk about ten years of therapy in the making) But I realized that I do like children... well, as long as they're not mine. (Egads!)
Ever heard a song that just reaches in and grabs your very soul? Like someone, somewhere, somehow listened to the meandering ways of your heart and put them to music? For me, it was 'Don't Cha' by the Pussycat Dolls. Naw, just kidding. But just imagine. Oh the humanity!
Anyways, so I was driving down Cunningham Road the other day, listening to the radio and cursing all the other errant drivers with erm.. how to put it delicately.. papillon d'amour (The great thing about foreign languages is that you can say the most vile and disgusting thing and it literally comes out smelling like daisies.) Papillon d'amour. I don't know what's grosser, the very idea or the fact that it's so common the French actually have a metaphor for it.
But I digress.
Anyways, I was listening to the radio and the song Comfortably Numb was on. I don't know what it was about that song. Maybe it was the fact that I was in a very introspective mood, or maybe I was just really bored. But it really worked for me then. Now I haven't listened to the song as many times as I'd like to have bragged about. But the title. It really got me thinking. About complacency mostly. See, I was always conflicted about the idea of complacency vs contentment. I mean, what's the difference? I've heard so much about how being complacent was a character flaw not an attribute. But contentment is an achievement. I mean, Huh?
From what I understood from the song, I figure it talked about how we sometimes shield ourselves from having extreme emotions, whether good or bad, about how we just exist in some kind of emotional limbo. How we become trapped in this comfort zone and no event, no matter how extraordinary, will jolt us out of that. It's a bit scary if you think about it.
Tomorrow's my very first day at work and I'm understandably super-excited. But I'm also a little nervous. It's a dog-eat-dog world out there, a rat-race, a zoo, a random woodland creature petting farm, whatever. I fear that in that race to be No. 1 (coz u know, no one wants to be number 2. Say it with me.. AIYYO!!) Yeah. in that race, what if I lose sight of what really matters? What if i get 'complacent' with my position in life aside from work? I'm not against the Yuppie dream of a big house, car and paycheck. Heck, I want TWO cars! But still, what if I forget that while that holy trinity of materialistic awesome-ness is important, it's not the MOST important? I sure hope I don't.
I also really hope I don't stink at my job too. But dare I ask of so much?
To all who are/will be joining work in the near future, All the best and W00t! W00t!! We're gonna be earning.. we're gonna get caaash. *does the raise-the-roof move*
First of all welcome back..very true no wants to b #2 come what may,although I hope we don't loose our innocence lookin for t coveted position..all t best for ur new venture or shud I say a new opening to t brighter side of life.
How can you be so perfect??? Believe me, it does NOT run in the family (at least not ours) I love you baby gurl. Oh, is that too much emo'shun'? what to do ra, i'm like this only...comfortably dumb
Yes, there is such kind of music that feels written just for you. I am glad I am not the only one who feels that way :)
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