Everybody knows that movies make fantastic entertainment…but can they also make good teachers? Ladies and gentlemen, boy, girls and everything in between, settle down. School’s now in session.These are the top 10 things we can learn from the movies.
1. All the important events in your life will happen in slow motion.
2. If you are a mother and live in poverty, you are automatically qualified for saint-hood.
3. The “big man on campus” comes to college standing on TWO moving motorcycles..
4. If you are in the ethnic minority, you are killed before the interval.
5. When you fall in love, you will get a wonderful singing voice and everyone, yes, EVERYONE will know the words.
6. There are people who live in public parks who, on sight of a couple, will leap out of random bushes and dance in sync until the couple leaves. They are recognized by their choice of clothing which is often in pink, yellow, purple spandex (or occasionally all three) accompanied by feathers and/or sequins.
7. If you are rich and oppose the couple in love, then you are a drug dealer.
8. Bad guys have only two looks:
a. Super slick in black leather
b. Ranjnikant wannabes in acid wash jeans, long curly hair and dirty sneakers.
9. Combat is always one-on-one. The other bad guys will dance around in a circle and patiently wait their turn. Also the sight of one’s blood gives him the strength of fifteen body builders.
10. The good guy always wins in the end. Even if he’s out numbered 10 to 1. However, if the good guy participates in a contest, irrespective of his winning or losing, he always gets the ‘slow applause’. And everyone knows that that’s worth more than the cash prize.
So next time you go to the movies, remember that there’s more to it than fluff and Abhishek Bachchan. Until next time, school’s out y’all!
You must have seen lots of indian movies, anyway, nice description about the never ending romantic sequels,u can make a spoof moovie.
9. Combat is always one-on-one. The other bad guys will dance around in a circle and patiently wait their turn. Also the sight of one’s blood gives him the strength of fifteen body builders.
Hehe...too funny. Just came across your blog today. Have a big smile on my face. Looking forward to reading more of your posts.
Loved the part about the bad guys dancing around in a circle so that the hero can combat one-on-one :-D So fake, huh? :)
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