Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Tea and Cake, or Death!

So I'm on a diet.

Love the day just before the start of one. So full of hope and faith that this time around I will actually lose the weight, everyone will love me, and there will be world of peace and happiness wherein people will gather around every fireplace/bonfire/burning-house/witch-burning-at-stake, clasp hands and sing Kumbaya. Kinda like New Year's Eve. HATE the third day of diet, which is like the 15th or so of January when you realize that you're not going to get skinny, people will still hate you, there will not be world peace and yes, Britney Spears will prance around with no clothes, hit everything in her path and STILL manage to conjure up a new car everyday (Ok, so I watch E! news. Sue me). And also that yes, you're still very hungry. TEA AND CAKE, OR DEATH! I love Eddie Izzard. He's so bizarre. Shivonne introduced me to his comedy clip thingies on youtube. Its soo super funny (waddaya know... my first product placement. YAY ME! I’m a Bollywood movie!)

I only just realized that this is my first journal entry of the year (of the year? or in the year?? Oh where is Wren and Martin when u need it? I remember when we'd cover tat book with really ugly sticking paper. White with orange flowers... no less) I learnt a lot of things last year- tat no matter what happens, I'll never end up old and living with six cats (I'm allergic) and that contrary to popular belief, studying for an exam is more important than carol singing and showing off newly acquired toe-socks. And also that yes, other than my very erm… fresh potato salad of yesteryears, I can cook. Here’s to learning new things in 2008. Happy New Year y’all!